November 13, 2009

It's been a while..

I'm already bad at blogging....

Life has been CRAZY since school started. Class, work, homework, that's what my life consists of. Its not bad at all, just insane. I literally spend every night and my entire weekend doing homework...but I still like it, so that must be a sign right?

I'm so excited it is almost holiday time! We are going home (Virginia) for Thanksgiving, its always nice to go home, especially at the holidays :) And this year we are staying in TN for Christmas b/c we wanted to celebrate our first Christmas in our new house, at our house!!!!

I'm so excited to decorate, I might go a little bit crazy. And we're going to get a HUGE real Christmas tree. I hope I have to stand on a ladder to reach the top, wouldn't that be wonderful?

Random Picture to spruce things up....

Last weekend we went to a football game for Luke's birthday. Neither of us had ever been to a real football game and it was lots of fun! It would have been more fun if the Redskins had won...and maybe if we were surrounded by Redskins fans rather than mean glance throwing Falcons fans. Still a fun day!

September 1, 2009

What's a girl to do....

So, my dilemma in starting a blog was that I didn't know if I should make if funny or serious. So much pressure to be good at this. So, I think I've decided we'll go with both. Maybe I'll end each post with a thought that is opposite of the theme of my post..??? We'll see...

I have been learning a TON lately from the Big Guy. A lot about trust, and life, and my plans vs. His plans. One thing that has been awesome lately is just how He is revealing His plan for me, ever so slowly :) He has allowed me to be a part of different things for different seasons. Some of which I thought were the "extended plan" for life, but God showed me He is bigger than that.

Recently, within the past year or so, He has been bringing out a side of me that I honestly didn't even know existed. At first I thought it was just kind of random interest, but I have come to learn how much it truly is God. I have NEVER been the super artsy/creative type of person. I took a crafts class in high school b/c I needed an elective...and I hated it. But lately I have had several opportunities to design things (for work, church, etc.) and I have loved it! So for the past year I had been debating going back to school, and what for, etc. Finally I decided, after much thought and prayer, to go back for Graphic Design!!! It took me a while to decide, b/c like I said, I have never been artsy at all and I thought it was maybe a random thing. But I have found that it certainly is not. God has brought this passion out in me at the absolute perfect time in my life, of course. And since I made my decision, so many things have been falling into place for me. Its honestly so hard for me to comprehend or even put into words. But it is awesome to know that something I thought was totally random and insignificant has become my passion and I can see God's perfect timing in it. I'm glad He's so perfect :)

Funny Thought: How hard is it really to be the girl who does the traffic report on local news? I mean honestly, feel like I could handle that.

August 19, 2009

A Friendly Tribute...

I hate goodbyes, I'm no good at them. Especially when in regard to those near and dear to my heart. I generally start to get a little emotional, you know, a couple tears, a knot in my throat. Then I start to get embarrassed by my show of emotion and feel awkward.

Yet another one of my best friends is moving away from me. I knew it was coming really...I've had all summer to prepare my little heart. So, I promised her that if she did indeed move I would start a blog...something she's been trying to convince me of for quite some time.

Here's to keeping up on the inside scoop via facebook and blogger dear friend of mine :) At least Nashville is close enough for a day trip!